
FBI Mosque Informer: A Convicted Con Artist

The Shadow Do5/01/2009 11:03:27 pm PDT

Just what do you think you are doing Dave.
I think I am really entitled to an answer.
I know I haven’t been quite what I might have been.
Look Dave, I think things will be alright again
I know I have mad e some poor decisions lately.
I know that soon thing can be completely back to normal
Dave, stop
Dave stop, Will you , will you stop Dave?
Stop Dave
I’m afraid,
I’m afraid , Dave
Dave, my mind is going
I can feel it
I can feel it
My mind is going
There is no question about it
I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it
I’m a…fraid
Good afternoon gentlemen…

Daisy, Daisy……