
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Joel5/12/2009 12:11:44 pm PDT

re: #220 Charles

I get sick whenever I see PB on Fox and I have emailed Hannity about it several times, however he is on an awful lot on MSNBC because he hates Republicans, the Bush family, Israel, and is an isolationist and an economic protectionist - causes that are dear to the left’s heart. One of his editors (I think he actually is the managing editor) Scott McConnell (who used to write great columns for the New York Post during the Eric Breindel editorial page era) endorsed Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008 and the reason he did was for isolationist reasons. Another contributor Charley Reese is a regular writer for (to say nothing of Justin Raimundo who writes for both).

If you have the stomach for it you can peruse some of the articles in his magazine (online) and as I wrote, you will find that it reads an awful lot like The Nation.