
Cold War Heroes Beg Obama Not to Scrap Missile Defense

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/20/2009 1:55:50 pm PDT


However, any real talk of fixing this has to start with removing their leverage over us.

IN the case of Russia and Iran, of course it comes down to oil for us and our allies.

If we are smart, we deploy and develop alternative energy technologies and mass market them. Europe would buy. Japan would buy, and that alone would drive petroleum prices down low enough that embargoes would not be such an issue.

If we were really smart we could through a combination of tariffs and incentives get the Chinese to build better and safer reactors and sell them our batteries. That would be a death knell for Russian and Iranian expansionism for the near future.

OF course the idea of a Democrat supporting Nuclear Energy is also absurd. It is even more absurd than the idea of a Texas oil man supporting it.

The fact is, if we want to be good capitalists about this, the oil industry makes buggy whips. We don’t need buggy whips anymore.