
Redstate CEO Erickson: Nobel Prize Has an Affirmative Action Quota

avanti10/09/2009 12:34:27 pm PDT

re: #196 Dante41

That too. I mean, evolution is science. It needs to taught in schools. It is dealing with this world directly, and we have evidence to prove that it happens. Saying that God started it, however, deals with spiritual matters, which we will never be able to investigate. Don’t teach something you cannot back up.

I agree, but I have friends that believe in the literal translation of the Bible, and I’m cool with that faith even while not agreeing. It’s those that believe their faith gives them a right to screw with my life that I have a problem with.
i.e. if we have Lizards that are creationists, but don’t push it into the public arena, I may discuss the issue with them as long as we both respect each other right to practice our faith or lack thereof.
I don’t particularly like either side mocking the other, since in matters of faith we have no way of knowing WTF is really going on in the long run.