
Assange Arrest Imminent

elizajane12/02/2010 8:35:20 pm PST

re: #222 MisterCookie

If he limited document releases to genuine, bona fide evidence of corruption, then I’d be praising Assange as a hero. Instead, for no reason other to cause embarrassment to every one involved, he’s also helpfully dumped diplomatic cables that contain no harmful information, as well as previously releasing confidential information about informants. The behavior is more like an anarchist than a responsible government watchdog.

In other news, why the fuck isn’t that information about the extra 15,000 Iraqis killed a bigger story? All I’m seeing is fucking tabloid crap about how the US doesn’t like Putin - big shocker there.

The “extra 15,000 dead Iraqis”— not a big story because everybody on the left knew the figures were fudged (especially if they read any British newspapers) and nobody on the right could give a toss.