
GOP Star Rand Paul Hangs with America's Craziest Conspiracy Kook, World Yawns

Usually refered to as anyways12/11/2010 9:09:08 pm PST

re: #191 Shiplord Kirel

You’re right of course. Sorry I unloaded on you because of a pet peeve of mine. I think American patriotism is singled out though, and similar expressions elsewhere are given a pass. Jingoism; perverse, mindless patriotism; exists everywhere and it is primary driving force in global conflict.
Part of my frustration is with idiots like the pair who constitute the subject of this thread. Both will shout their patriotism and devotion to the Constitution from the rooftops, while they are in fact border-line seditionists appealing to morons.

Shiplord, I agree with this 100%

You get singled out because you seen as leaders of the free world.
You are there because you put your lives on the line for other countries less fortunate than themselves.

Just my view, could be wrong.