
Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Incident Led to 'Urgent Discussions' at NRA

lawhawk11/04/2011 6:58:28 am PDT

re: #219 darthstar

The Corzine story is going to get real juicy I expect - and the GOP will try to smear the Obama administration over their ties to Corzine (they’re already asking for Obama to return money that Corzine helped raise).

Fact is that MF Global did some real bad things - and admitted to doing so.

MF Global commingled funds - a cardinal rule.
They attempted to hide transactions from regulators, while the regulators were in the building looking through documents related to the pending sale of MF Global ahead of possible bankruptcy.

When the discrepancies mounted, the deals broke off - and the regulators closed in finding all kinds of financial chicanery.

Corzine’s in trouble (and has already hired a criminal defense attorney) and he knows it. He pushed MF Global into these sovereign debt positions. He was giving a positive spin to company positions as recently as a week or two ago (before the talks got underway to sell), and potentially misled everyone about the company positions.

A perp-walk is in his future. So much for being the supposedly smartest guy in the room.