
Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

ausador11/03/2012 1:38:51 am PDT

Meanwhile at WND the dog whistles get louder…

Guess when Inauguration Day is in 2013?

If Barack Obama loses the election to Mitt Romney, his official White House move-out day won’t be Jan. 20, as most have assumed.

If a new president is elected Nov. 6, he won’t be officially and publicly sworn in until Jan. 21, 2013 – which happens to be Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday.

That’s the determination of the Presidential Inaugural Conference, because Jan. 20 falls on a Sunday in 2013….

But will civility rule on Jan. 21?

Protests are already being planned….

Meanwhile, the social media have been abuzz with threats by Obama supporters to riot if Romney wins….

Not content with threats to riot if Romney wins in November, some Obama supporters have announced on Twitter they intend to vandalize and burn down the White House if the GOP candidate is victorious, Twitchy reports.