
Sunday Times Report: Russia and China Have Cracked Snowden's Cache of Secret Docs

piratedan6/13/2015 11:59:33 pm PDT

I guess my biggest disconnect here is how all of this is being focused by the dudebros on THIS administration…. I rarely heartd a peep out of these guys during the previous administration regarding our privacy and what was being done in the name of keeping Americans safe.

Soon as Bin Laden marker is off the board, suddenly, this administration was supposed to rein in all of those excesses by fiat. We could take our ball and go home because since we cut the head off the snake, the rest of it would simply wither away w/o realizing that the head of the snake analogy sucks ass when attempting to find out who hates us and why, be the political, power or religious or socio-economic motivations (and not understanding that it’s ALL of those agenda items in various and sundry flavors).

If the NSA (and various other unnamed agencies) need to be brought to heel, then by all means lets have that discussion. Unfortunately, a Dem controlled Congress and Senate only were around for two years and they were quite busy attempting to unfuck what the previous administration had wrought, most of it by fiat with a generous amount of misleading crap in order to satisfy their own agenda.

Since that time, we have romper room antics that have ensued for the last four to six years and let’s just say that the climate isn’t exactly optimal with the Bomb the fuck out of everybody crowd that is currently attempting to strangle the government and set policy.

The part I have a hard time trying to grasp here is as follows:

Was Snowden THAT fucking naive to believe that he was really doing good here?

I sit back and can perhaps understand his motivation, my government is misusing it’s power and I’m going to prove it… not by illustrating how some poor bastards rights were violated, no instead, I’m going to lie to coerce password information from some other poor shmuck and download his computer as an example of how bad the system is… REALLY?

Then Greenwald… and his belief system that all governments are bad but the US is worse because it should be held to a higher standard because…

because he thinks so…

Now I full and well want my country to be a shining example of that city on the hill, but also being acquainted with American History and such events as the Trail of Tears, the Ludlow Massacre and our constant corporate interventionalism in the affairs of South and Central America lead me to believe that we’re simply a country attempting to follow our own interests, by whatever means we find convenient at the time depending upon who’s sitting in the chair and who/what has a piece of them.

I guess GG considers himself a citizen of the world, well I guess he can afford to, since he won;t pay his taxes here.