
Video: Trump Audience Member on TSA: "Get Rid of All These Heeby Jobbies They Wear"

lawhawk6/30/2016 7:12:16 pm PDT

So much dumbassery in 140 characters:

That’s a huge misreading of history.

Whether there’s Nixon who decided to delay rearming Israel during the Yom Kippur War and put geopolitics and Israel’s survival on the line or Reagan arming the Saudis with AWACS and F-15s, which could be used against Israel over Israel’s intentions. Or GHWB trying to impose a peace talks on Israel at Madrid.

Or any number of other instances where the US played the Grand Game and Israel’s interests were secondary.

That compares with Obama, who hasn’t forced a peace process (surprisingly actually, given most presidents go legacy building in the ME during back half of 2d terms). He hasn’t armed Israel’s enemies no matter what they think of the Iran deal, which delays Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

As much as all these nitwits complain about the Iran deal, they can’t escape fact that we now have more information about the program and what they could or couldn’t do than before. There’s a measure of control there that was never present until now.

But what do you expect when Trump can’t tell the difference between IS and Hizbullah (and don’t expect Hannity or his fanbase to know or care either).