
Monday Night Jam: Bill Laurance, "Swag Times"

lawhawk7/12/2016 6:15:56 am PDT

The anti-science know-nothing do-nothing GOP is busy cobbling together their cognitive dissonant platform, and it’s an argle bargle of derp.

They declare that porn is a public health crisis, but gun violence is a 2A expression.

The GOP wants to roll back no-fault divorces, even as Trump had 3 marriages (and Trump’s considering Newt who had multiple divorces as well).

Everywhere you look, you see a platform that is deeply disturbing and anti-rational.

And Trump’s busy pulling every bigoted/racist/nativist slogan from American political history - whether it’s America First or Law and Order President.

The GOP wants people to feel they’re constantly in fear, that crime is out of control, the economy is in shambles and that all this is the result of Democrats. Reality is substantially different. Crime rates are at or near historical lows, violence against cops is likewise at all time lows (per capita and absolute terms).

Likewise, the economy is chugging along and that’s no thanks to the GOP, which has blocked major jobs bills, sought to roll back safety net programs, and there’s been some efforts to consider SNAP unconstitutional (and include that sentiment in the GOP platform, even though every dollar in SNAP actually grows economy $1.75, and is one of the most efficient programs that protects those least able to help themselves, and has economic benefits far beyond merely buying groceries).