
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Lock Her Up

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/21/2018 7:25:38 am PST

Marcy Wheeler is on a rant this morning.

It Is Objectively False that Trump Provided Unprecedented Cooperation; Stop Parroting Rudy Claiming He Did

It would seem all the major media outlets are repeating Giuliani’s claim that Trump’s cooperation with the special counsel is “unprecedented.”

A simple comparison of the Bush White House’s cooperation the CIA leak case, which investigated events that occurred in a more narrow period two month period of time, showed Dowd’s claim about cooperation on discovery and witnesses was overblown.

More importantly, a key detail distinguished George W Bush’s cooperation from Trump’s: Bush sat for an interview with Patrick Fitzgerald and answered questions about the orders he gave, while President, to at least one of his Assistants and the Vice President about an exclusive executive authority, declassification.
