
CNN's Staged Video Updates: The Norwegian Connection

Quilly Mammoth1/10/2009 12:00:34 pm PST

The WSJ has dropped the ball on this one. Noted Palestinian apologist and lawyer George E. Bisharat opines that Israel Is Committing War Crimes

The United Nations charter preserved the customary right of a state to retaliate against an “armed attack” from another state. The right has evolved to cover nonstate actors operating beyond the borders of the state claiming self-defense, and arguably would apply to Hamas. However, an armed attack involves serious violations of the peace. Minor border skirmishes are common, and if all were considered armed attacks, states could easily exploit them — as surrounding facts are often murky and unverifiable — to launch wars of aggression. That is exactly what Israel seems to be currently attempting.

This fool is arguing that since Hamas is not trying to _invade_ Israel that there is right to self defense.

Needless to say this tool lives in San Francisco. The Wall Street Journal should be ashamed.