
Who Cares About a Dead Lemur?

Guanxi885/21/2009 4:33:48 pm PDT

re: #226 jetpilot1101

Every time science makes a brilliant discovery concerning our origins, every fundamentalist Christian organization comes out of the woodwork to attack the finding. Now I’m not a smart man but I think I have a pretty good understanding of Christianity given that I have been a Christian now going on 10 years. What never ceases to amaze me is that the message of Christianity, a message these groups so ardently claim to defend, has absolutely nothing to do with creation or how we as a species came about. The message of Christ is about redemption and God’s unfailing love towards human beings. Jesus didn’t come to earth and begin lecturing the Pharisees on creationism, he brought to this world a message of repentance and forgiveness. For these groups to continue to harp on something that has been scientifically proven false is an affront to God and his message to this world. To continue to hold themselves up as the authority on the Word of God is more arrogant than words can describe and to continue to try and refute HIS laws of physics and nature with junk science is insulting to God and to the rest of us Christians who are genuinely trying to live as Christ intended.

Have a Kosher ding for that, my friend!