
Minnesota Somali-Americans Joining the Jihad

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All7/13/2009 1:09:09 pm PDT

re: #191 sattv4u2

after authorities alleged that a bomb threat was made from an IP address in his home

“We have no rights under the Patriot Act,” said his mother Annette Lundeby. “It wasn’t intended to drag your barely 16-year-old, 120-pound son out in the middle of the night

I notice that neither you nor the mother comments on just HOW a bomb threat was made from her puters IP address!!

Bad example,,, AGAIN!

You’re missing the point. If american Citizens can be held without access to lawyers or counsel then we have a problem. Who cares if he did it or not. The point stands. declaring someone a Terrorist and then refusing to let them access to the legal system is a terrible precedent.