
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

DaddyG10/02/2009 11:49:13 am PDT

re: #187

The storiesthat I found just now seem to indicate little or no economic benefit to Atlanta.

The first story is unfair. Georgia State University is quickly becoming a resident college and attracting people back to the city for studies other than Georgia Tech. The dorms were a great benefit after Tech transferred their ownership to GSU. The olympic park is used by people all the time. Putting a picture of the dog in front of the fountain on the article implies something that isn’t true. That part of town really benefitted from the new facilities. Of course the colleges who ended up with facilities for sports and studies are better off. And Turner field and the braves bring in lots of revenue for the City and State in taxes and tourism. I wish they had saved Fulton Coutny Stadium but we were due for an upgrade.