
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

Scottish Dragon11/02/2009 9:28:47 am PST

re: #211 jbolty

Not yet but I hope a fiscal conservative and a social moderate will arise. The problem is that if there is any whiff or mention of any social issue, even as a point of discussion, buy any canidate they get sledge hammered. No issues will be resolved if that can not be discusses openly.

These labels stick, if not batted back:
secure the border = racist bigot
kids might do better in a traditional family = homophobe bigot hater
go slow on health reform = you hate the poor and sick
get tough on Iran = war monger
domestic oil production = hate the enviroment

It’s bad enough to get hammered by the press and the democrats but the republicans don’t need to be in a circular firing squad.

So look at who says these things. In other words…who are you associating with that also espouses this? It will stick to you.

Secure the border? Fine…but secure from what? Terrorist infiltrators or brown skinned unter-menschen? We know what Dobbs, Rushbo etc have to say on that.

Kids in a traditional family? Why is that any of your concern to begin with? I am a transgendered woman still married to my wife, and how we raise our son is none of your damned business. Ever. Period.

Stick to dealing with your own family and keep your long nose out of other people’s affairs.

We have been going slow on health reform, considering we first started talking about reform back in Teddy Roosevelt’s administration. No shit. “Go Slow”tends to be code for “Delay it so we can kill it while our HMO backers make a killing and give us teh awesome donations”.

Being tough on Iran sounds great. Not so much when it is coming from Bill Kristol and the neo-con gang at The Weekly Standard who have been calling for airstrikes on Iran for years. Not really sure what that would accomplish, since the Iranians are not stupid and have prepared for that.

We used to subtle real well. Stuff like sinking one of their rustbucket Victor III subs which would be plausibly deniable but still get the message across. Smile sweetly and tell them that preventative maintenance would have prevented that little tragedy with all hands lost…

Nope. Kristol, Goldfarb etc want ostentatious airstrikes that would do little but create more terrorism backlash. It’s the Green Lantern Theory. If we just want it bad enough…we can make it happen!

Domestic oil production.

Uh huh. I am a geology major finishing up my degree. Two words:

Peak oil.

There is nowhere near enough domestic reserve to even remotely offset or influence the prices enough to make any real difference. if you believe otherwise, you are fooling yourself.