
Terror Attack in Jerusalem

researchok3/23/2011 12:56:58 pm PDT

“Occupations are ended when there is peace. We did not leave Germany or Japan before they had secure and democratic governments and were well on their way to building productive societies. We are staying the course in Iraq until a government can prove it’s inclusiveness and stability, and we will not leave until violence is subdued by Iraq troops, if not entirely ended.

The Israelis are being asked to end their occupation of territory won in a succession of wars they did not want or ask for, before any promise or guarantee of peace with her neighbors. Indeed, Palestinian factions and the Arabs nations who support and encourage them are promising more violence and the ‘slaughter of Jews’ in the future. The lessons learned- or not learned, is that in the Arab world, wars can be started and lost with impunity, and that there are no negative consequences for such behavior. The Arab world has learned that civilized behaviors and exchanges among nations are irrelevant”

The Arab hatred of Jews began long before the establishment of the State of Israel. Jew hatred will still be an integral part of Arab identity and a necessary component of the Arab psyche, because hatred of Jews in their collective mind explains their total dysfunction and inability to launch in the civilized world. There is no arena in which the Arabs have made a positive contribution to the betterment of mankind.”