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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/13/2014 12:24:32 am PDT

Just a reminder - the US does not have a monopoly on atavism:

Alberta homeschool convention offers creationist textbooks


For some parents, homeschooling fits better with their lifestyle than traditional schooling.

“For us, it was just a really good fit with our family and how we believed our children needed to learn,” said Coralee Mercer, a parent from Mundare, Alta., who has homeschooled her children for eight years.

Mercer says she has several children with learning challenges and she didn’t feel they were getting the help they needed in the public school system.

She also says the freedom to include creationism in the curriculum is appealing.

“I love the fact that I can take a subject — let’s say, for instance, biology, which some of our high school kids are doing right now — are being able to look at the creation side of things and discuss the opposite — the evolution side — and really look at that from our point of view and help our kids to explore it and to learn and to make educated decisions based on both sides.”