
Wednesday Night Hotness: Snarky Puppy With Lucy Woodward, "He Got Away"

lawhawk6/22/2016 7:25:27 pm PDT

The GOP knows stunts like Bo knows football.

Repeal Obamacare? Check. Did that stunt 60+ times. Never grows old, especially since it’s a great fundraiser.

Shut down the Government because Obama didn’t vote to repeal his signature legislation giving millions access to health insurance for first time? Yeah, Ted Cruz, that’s Exhibit B of a stunt. A bad one that cost the nation billions in lost economic output - to the point that even GOP run states were demanding national parks reopen in order to save the local economies there (and yeah, there’s good reason to shut the parks when the rangers are not around - see all the crazy stuff people do, like stuffing baby bison into backs of cars, or get mauled by bears or elk, or engage in vandalism).

No, Democrats aren’t engaging in a stunt here on demanding a vote for gun control legislation. They’re sick and tired of the do-nothing/know-nothing GOP ignoring 30k deaths every year from firearms, many of which could be preventable if sensible gun control were enacted including background checks and changes to existing rules to close various loopholes. No, it wont stop every mass shooting or every single homicide or suicide, but that’s quite besides the point.

A 10% reduction in homicides or suicides or overall shootings is no laughing matter. It’d be a huge cost savings to the nation too from reduced strain on medical care and costs. And justice system costs. And corrections/incarceration costs. Those all add up.