
Friday Night Jam: Blind Pilot: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

BigPapa10/29/2016 8:14:41 am PDT

On Facebook, a tortured progressive, after being told I’m a Hillarybot:

This election is more about the Clinton regime’s lust for world domination than most of us even realize. If she wins, she’ll likely put us into WWIII against Russia, China and Iran, just to name a few. Trump seems to have a far more moderate stance, but unlike Bernie, he hasn’t made clear his intentions and/or propose any meaningful alternative. It’s a mystery who orchestrates his actions, but I’m guessing it’s the same faction that controls HRC and most of the western world anyway.

All left and right paradigms end up at the Rothschild’s Razor: Or, How I Learned to Stop Thinking and Blame The Jews.