
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Repeats Coronavirus Failures in Reckless Rush to "Reopen" Economy

Mattand4/16/2020 2:16:14 pm PDT

re: #221 Renaissance_Man

Must disagree with Rachel. I think it’s very easy to gaslight Americans into endangering themselves. The pressure is only just ratcheting up - wingnut media has only been demanding a reopen for less than a week, and CNN has only just started publishing articles suggesting that Democrat governors ‘may’ have tyrannically overreached by taking action. Check those numbers in a week or two.

Not sure if CNN is to blame, but as I mentioned the other day, I ran into the bolded on Tuesday with a conservative acquaintance. He kept complaining about how MI was out of control. I described what was going in Jersey and talked about how reasonable that was.

After our conversation, I actually bothered to look up what MI (and by implication, the horrible woman Democratic governor) had done, and it wasn’t really that different from what was going on here.

Even the supposedly “reasonable” conservatives cannot bring themselves to admit how much Trump has fucked up without invoking both sides.