
Tea Party Leader Mark Williams: Hoist With His Own Petard

Kosh's Shadow9/15/2009 10:46:13 am PDT

re: #197 LudwigVanQuixote

I wish to repeat that I will never flounce! My work as a Lord of Remulak is progressing too well here…

In just a short period of time, I have collected a group of trustees from your species who will reap the benefits of service to Intergalactic Zionism…

On the pleasure planet Playtex, you will have the opportunity to have unlimited bagels and the chance to date women from the IDF. If they like you, they may not shoot you even!

For the Lady Lizards, well, the male parts of the IDF are very welcoming…

This and your intergalactic Zionist paystubs are your ticket to a better life.

The more that we hide Obama’s secret communist resurgent agenda the closer our plans come to fruition…

The more that we discredit those brave Americans at the tea parties and make them look insane (we helped a little with some chem trials, and to think that they claim they don’t like LSD… ahhh the irony) the more easy it will be to take over!

Do you remember that movie with Rowdy Roddy Piper about seeing the aliens amongst you - but it was only those “salt of the Earth types” who could see? We planted that years ago… We knew this would happen and we have been carefully laying the memes to discredit such people for years…

But you know full well what the score is… You will be basking in bagel goodness, when not getting shot at by a Jewish girl you leered at too much…


Is this what the Google Canada crop circles are about?