
Overnight Open Thread, with Tiny T-Rex

Pianobuff9/22/2009 5:42:25 am PDT

From The Hill: Bias hid ACORN’s nuts

People live in their own little worlds and have a tendency to shut out or ignore information that makes them uncomfortable. This is particularly true of liberal politicians and journalists, who find it easier and easier to ignore facts and developments that run counter to their view of how things ought to be.

This fact has been on stark display recently as liberals have dismissed anyone who questions the wisdom of President Barack Obama’s demands on our national priorities as cranks or, worse, racists. One can easily demonstrate one’s racist tendencies these days by simply attending town hall meetings or Tea Parties or coming to Washington to express views contrary to those of our president.

Nothing in years, however, brings this home as clearly as the way the media and the president have reacted to the unfolding story of how their friends at ACORN have misused public funds and engaged daily in a nationwide criminal conspiracy to rig elections and advised their “clients” on how to evade taxes and the law.

More at the link.