
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

Orange Impostor3/25/2010 2:27:15 pm PDT

I know that a lot of folks don’t like the slant of Daily Kos, but they have a interesting compilation of a whole lot of the far right-wing craziness going on as of late, including the contents of a recent email that he was forwarded by what he calls a ‘whacko uncle’. Normally, I’d take this sort of thing with a rather large grain of salt, but given the on-air statements by guys like Jim Hoft and Mike Vanderboegh, I’m not nearly as skeptical as I typically would be.

UPDATE X5 (WHITE POWDER TO WEINER): The crazy right is mobilizing… This sh*t is getting scary

FW: fw: fw: Lock ‘n Load


The time has come to take action into our own hands! The washington democrats no longer represent the people of America and its time we take action to stop these socialists before they ruin this great nation. Obamacare took this to the next level, as now we are no longer dealing with just socialists, but murderers. Under these new laws, the unborn will be slaughtered by the thousands, the elderly will be killed based on their “perceived” value to society. THIS MUST STOP

So what can we do, they took away our voice, they took away our rights. But we still have force. We are angry and we can fight. Keep your arms hidden, and keep many of them. If you don’t have any, buy while you still can. We will hit them where it hurts and we will do it together. They cannot stop a network of us when we fight as one, so be prepared.

We fight back in the name of Gods children and all others who will suffer due to our dictators demands. Those lives are worth the same as the arrogant men and women who sit in our capital, and we are prepared to prove it.

There have been some great stories about bricks being thrown, calls being made, and gas lines being cut. Good. We should keep it up, pay a visit to any Dems in your area who voted for it. Use this email as a thread to exchange their personal contact information so we can keep getting to them. They can’t stop us, and they have waged a war they will not win.

If they won’t listen to us, we will make them listen. Damn it, this is our country, and I would sooner die than see it continue to fall at the hands of these murderers. Whose with me? Who will stand with me, and be prepared to fight when the time comes? Lock ‘n load my friends, we’re taking our country back, one dirtbag at a time if we have to.

God bless