
Get Out of Dale Peterson's Yard

ausador6/18/2010 8:15:01 pm PDT


800+ Rabbi’s condemn the repeal of “don’t ask don’t tell.”

“Decent Bible-believing family people have been increasingly outraged by the cravenness of many politicians in their mad dash to turn timeless values on their heads, by advancing homosexual adoption, domestic partnerships, civil unions, ‘marriage’ and ‘Heather Has Two Mommies,’” he wrote.

“The next slice of the salami - the koshering of volitional homosexual activity, along with all aspects of the homosexual culture, throughout the U.S. military - constitutes a rebellion against G-d and demoralizes both military and civilian society,” he added. “We condemn the inherent antipathy, intolerance and even belligerence toward the essential religious liberties of Bible adherents.”

So to paraphrase you are saying that our attempts to limit your ability to dehumanise and discriminate against other human beings and to treat them as subhuman and second class citizens is infringing upon your religious rights?

Since when did your right to practice your own religion include the right to treat other humans like shit in order to do so?

Sorry guys, maybe you need to take up this case in Iran or something, they would probably rule for you, well if it wasn’t for the fact that you are Jewish that is… :p