
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

DaddyG9/21/2010 1:48:39 pm PDT

re: #222 dragonfire1981

I’ve often wondered, is there a such thing as a religious left?

I think so but they are not as monolithic as the religious right which tends to be mostly Evangelical, Non-denominational or Baptist Christian.

There is a more diverse group on the left that mixes their belief system with how they think we should be governed. That’s fine with me as long as they don’t cross the line and insist that they are the only belief systems that should govern us.

I long for the good ‘ol days that never were when community standards were a mix of beliefs and philosophies that sought to have a voice in the wise governing of a free people. Not the current system which has me choosing between which flavor of big brother I want.

Right now - as a conservative - I have to say the socons are really pushing hard in the wrong direction and I don’t see for example the Earth Liberation Front as a leading force in the environmental movement with national candidates waving their banner.