
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/12/2012 6:11:29 am PDT

re: #228 sattv4u2

Didn’t dissuade the dems from taking Obama in 08!
Rubio was in the Florida house of reps for 9 years, the last two of which he was speaker

Obama had been in the Senate since 2005 not 2007. Plus, these aren’t Republican primary voters but rather Romney and his advisers. Obama like Rubio had experience in his state legislature though was never in a position of leadership. Just saying, I think they’re going to want someone with a strong track record to bolster Romney’s conservative creds. Jindal was in the House for a few terms before he became governor so he has both legislative and executive experience, which in my observation of Romney seems to be something he values. Plus Re: Obama, he like him or not is one of the better campaigners out there. A senator with similar experience but not the campaign gravitas would have struggled in 2008 to beat Hilliary.