
Pamela Geller Cites Holocaust Denial Group as Source for Attack on ADL

Kragar4/15/2013 11:26:55 pm PDT

Louisiana governor: I’ve got no problem with creationism in public schools

During an interview with NBC host Hoda Kotb, Jindal said students should be taught “the best science” in public schools, but implied that teaching creationism would not interfere with that.

“We have what’s called the Science Education Act that says that if a teacher wants to supplement those materials, if the school board is okay with that, if the state school board is okay with that, they can supplement those materials,” he explained.

“Bottom line, at the end of the day, we want our kids to be exposed to the best facts. Let’s teach them about the big bang theory, let’s teach them about evolution, let’s teach them — I’ve got no problem if a school board, a local school board, says we want to teach our kids about creationism, that people, some people, have these beliefs as well, let’s teach them about ‘intelligent design.’”

Jindal said students should be free to question “controversial issues” like climate change and other scientific theories, adding, “What are we scared of?”

Wasting time, money, and resources on catering to crack pots and zealots.