
Report: LAX Shooter Purchased Guns Legally, Targeted TSA Agents

BongCrodny11/03/2013 6:34:05 pm PST


Let me say first off that this isn’t directed at anyone in particular; I was born blue and I’ll die blue. If I were still a Virginia resident, I would gladly stand in line to vote for Terry McAuliffe, because — well, you know.

A couple days ago I got an e-mail from the Democratic Party of Virginia, encouraging me to kick in $10 to send the troops in the trenches pizza.

I want to also say I have the utmost respect for the folks getting out the vote . They work long hours for little or no pay, and I could see pizza night while the returns come in being a lot of fun.

I understand it’s selfish to feel this way, but believe me — when circumstances once again allow for it, I’ll contribute to various Democratic candidates and campaigns as I am able.

But Terry McAuliffe is worth millions, while I am worth…several dollars less than that.

Let him buy the fucking pizza.
