
Anti-Choice Zealots Recommend Kidnapping Pregnant Women

A Mom Anon11/11/2013 7:12:26 am PST

OK,I have to get ready to take the dog to the vet. Hopefully she’ll get a health clearance. She ended up with a staph infection in her skin from an allergic reaction via incessant scratching. She took her last dose of antibiotics yesterday,so paws crossed she’s over this crap.

As for these antiabortion nutbars, it’s only a matter of time before there’s another line crossed and another doctor, clinic worker or patient is hurt or killed by these godbothering shitmuffins. I hope someone finds out who these FB freaks are and this plan of theirs is exposed for what it is: Intimidation and zealotry behind a thin veneer of “saving babies”. You want to save babies? Lobby for poor mothers to get proper healthcare.