
The New Republic Takes a Close Look at the Anarchist Agenda of Snowden, Greenwald and Assange

Backwoods Sleuth1/19/2014 12:30:26 pm PST

O/T, but I’m thinking of buying an inexpensive tablet (I’ll purchase through Amazon Prime via LGF associates).
It doesn’t need to do anything fancy. Doesn’t need cell phone access (because we don’t have that here in the backwoods), just wifi (I have a router).
Mostly, just be able to check weather or LGF in the middle of the night without turning on the real computers, or maybe read a book borrowed from the library via (I have an ancient Sony ereader for books, but a lighted screen would be nice instead of the clip-on flashlight I currently use). Don’t need streaming video because it will always be buffering anyway.

(ETA: also needs a camera for Skyping)

I am soooo confuzed by everything that is available and have no idea what to look for (or to look out for)…
