
Overnight Short Film: Our Drone Future

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/06/2014 2:42:32 am PST

I’m deploring the downhill slide in BBC documentaries. I guess they have to compete with the private broadcasters and even the tabloids, but they’re sliding in the “entertainment” approach to documentaries rather than the educational ones.

Though the productions have been uneven for a long time - some being much better than others - in the past couple of years I’ve noticed the need on the part of the BBC to really push that they are still valid to their taxpayers, with a great deal of patriotism (the understated British kind, not the over-the-top American kind) seeping throughout their series. It is as if they are on a mission to keep reminding their taxpayers that being British is a good thing.

Anyway, finally watched the BBC “Bible Hunters” documentary from a few weeks ago:

BBC Bible Hunters 1of2 The Search for Bible Truth

The host/narrator makes some claims scattered throughout that just are wrong - or at best baseless. All highly technical fields of course have to be simplified to be presented to the general public, but he goes overboard in his simplistic presentation of Christianity.