
Creationist Neurosurgeon Ben Carson: Legal Abortions Are Exactly Like Human Sacrifice

CuriousLurker7/01/2014 7:16:19 pm PDT

re: #8 ramex

Why is Ben Carson putting down the Aztec’s sincerely held religious beliefs?

Ha! They were the first ones I thought of too. Um, no, Dr. Carson—not even close to human sacrifice. Case in point , emphasis mine:

Among the exhibits are sculptures depicting Mictlantecuhtli, the god of death, shown with his flesh ripped from his body and his liver hanging out; and a pot depicting the god of rain, Tlaloc, who required child sacrifices to sustain him; and artefacts related to gladiatorial sacrifices and the terrifying sounding Flaying of Man ceremony, which doesn’t end well for the captive gladiator - or the attendant priest who has to remove the dead man’s heart, flay his skin (a representation of a maize kernel losing its outer layer) and then wear it for 20 days to appease the god of spring and renewal. […]

BTW, on the rare occasion when I see your nic it always makes me hungry for kimchee ramen & Mexican food. LOL