
Panic-Stricken Politicians Force Mandatory Quarantine on Ebola Health Workers

Justanotherhuman10/25/2014 4:45:39 pm PDT

It would seem to me that most efforts to prevent Ebola contagion would be in the countries most affected in West Africa.

If you have Ebola in the US, and you are diagnosed correctly, you will probably recover. This isn’t the case for the majority in Africa. Still, even in the US, we shouldn’t take a cavalier attitude toward the disease. Conditions are much different here than there for most victims of the disease.

Still, I think returning health care pros should not be herded into isolation, but allowed to monitor themselves in conjunction with a doctor or clinic. It’s unfortunate that while Dr Spencer was actually doing this, I think he may have gotten a bit careless (whether he was or not, that is the public’s opinion) in going about in public places, which resulted in this mandatory quarantine business when it was discovered that he actually was sick w/Ebola. There is always going to be a difference in the social aspect and the medical aspect of diseases, and this is one of them. The returning nurse has been caught up in this conundrum, unfortunately. And she didn’t intend to stay in the NYC area, she was going to Maine to stay at her boyfriend’s and monitor herself.

There should be strictures in place for people who have been exposed to those w/Ebola, whether they are health pros or not, but not to the extent of putting them into total isolation but w/a caveat: Human beings don’t always act in their own best interests.