
Senate to Vote on Whether Climate Change Is Real

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/13/2015 3:16:00 pm PST

re: #22 Justanotherhuman

He founded “Friends of Abe”, described here as “Hollywood’s secretive rightwing organization”. Its members are a roster of the right leaning Hollywood famous.

I am aware of that but that doesn’t prove he’s anti gay. Clint Eastwood spoke at the last RNC and Clint to his credit isn’t anti gay rights at all. Bruce Willis is another celeb who identifies as right wing or “libertarian” but isn’t anti gay. I know Sinise is right wing but I don’t know if he’s anti-gay. I do love the irony of FOA likening hte IRS to McCarthyism given that FOA’s ancestors. I.E groups like the Alliance for American Ideals were happy to comply with the real McCarthy when ti came to removing anyone with left wing ideals from Hollywood. I guess irony is lost on people like Sinise.