
Stormfront or SJW?

fizziks5/01/2015 8:25:23 am PDT

Wow, the reaction to this is incredible, and ridiculous.

At no point here did I claim that neo-Nazis and SJWs were the same or represented the same level of threat. I even said (highlighting for emphasis now):

I think this is such a great illustration of the recent partial convergence of rhetoric and ideas between the far left and the far right

So then the point was entirely missed that if you play the web game it is actually really difficult to tell the difference between far-left and Stormfront rhetoric. Did anyone actually follow the link and play the game? If you don’t think that represents a problem then say so, but nobody commenting negatively here took the time to address the main and salient point, the convergence of rhetoric.

Nor did anyone comment on how the far-left and far-right are converging ideologically in the four broad realms that I mentioned. Anybody want to say anything about that?

Oh well, your loss if you don’t want to engage with any ideas outside of a very narrow comfort zone of making fun of a handful of far-right idiots who post on twitter and who hardly anybody has heard of.