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ObserverArt5/03/2015 3:12:27 pm PDT

Great White Snark,

I see you didn’t like my comment about you buying GOP talking points about Hillary.

Is not settling for Hillary being a moderate by any definition falling to the default GOP talking points that portray her as a far left evil liberal? When you comment: ” whilst asking for moderate candidates of any kind it’s pretty telling” it hints you see all Democrats candidates current or speculated as being far left.

If I read that wrong, please excuse me. I don’t think I was the only one.

Don’t you find it odd you don’t like to be associated with GOP talking points and being part of group-think, even claiming you are the “indy” this blog/forum needs to point out everyone can’t see through those slats. Yet, you turn right around and toss anyone defending Hillary as being a band wagoner and put everyone behind those very slats.

Little Green Footballs might as well be Hillary’s campaign blog is pretty slamming of a lot of individuals compared to saying you are falling for some GOP talking points.

There are no prefect political candidates. A majority here at LGF seem prepared to admit there are far from reasonable candidates in the GOP. In fact, many are fearful of where the GOP is going and find the GOP dangerous. That is reality. I suggest that is not band wagon jumping.