
Friday Jam: The Bird and the Bee, "Will You Dance?"

Dave In Austin7/17/2015 6:29:53 pm PDT

Eric made mention downstairs about the cost of treating snakebite in this country.

This beauty was in my front yard.

This is 1 of 3 I have relocated out of the yard. I have seen prolly 7 of them in the 8 years we’ve lived here. They love the garden and are very timid and secretive. If it wasn’t for the dogs I’d just leave them be. They eat other snakes.

Antivenin for the Texas coral snake, which is neurotoxic and akin to the cobra, can run to $20k a dose. An adult may take 15-20 doses for a bad bite. They USED TO make it in Mexico but quit manufacturing it due to the scarcity of bites and the high cost to make it. Current stocks are most likely years out of date but it’s all they got.