
White Supremacist Who Coined Term "Alt-Right" Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton

lawhawk8/26/2016 12:21:25 pm PDT

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Dinesh D’Souza was pounding that line too. Claimed the renouncing wasn’t honest/truthful/sincere, and then claimed it was actually current (Byrd died in 2010).

Meanwhile, Trump’s busy tweeting out white supremacists all throughout his campaign - including whitegenocidetm, and that’s somehow not indicative of his true intentions.

D’Souza dissembled on that too - claiming no one reads the names or backgrounds of the people they tweet. That right there explains how/why he was arrested and ultimately entered a plea deal over a felony campaign finance charge (guilty on one count). Reading comprehension simply isn’t his thing.