
Big News: The Impeachment Logjam Is Finally Breaking

Blind Frog Belly White7/26/2019 11:01:48 am PDT


Here’s an idea; the Democratic nominee should run on popular ideas, instead of unpopular ones, because there are more good ideas to improve things than can possibly be enacted, and the Democrats need to win big to get even a slim Senate majority, without which no legislation will pass.

I’m waiting for one of the candidates to explain, for example, that M4A won’t abolish the private coverage you may have now, but will, over time, render it unnecessary and obsolete. When every doctor is ‘in network’, there are no ‘out of network’ charges, for example. No worries about your employer changing health insurance carriers and having to find a new PCP. And that we’re ALREADY spending the money we’ll spend on M4A, so spending won’t rise, it’ll just be accounted differently.

That’s what people are worried about - losing what they have. And none of the candidates advocating M4A are doing that.