
Shocka! Right Wingers Speak Out Against Glenn Beck!

Professor Chaos1/03/2010 7:55:12 pm PST

From the comments:

My husband wrote his first book, which was published on March 28, 2009, and somewhere in it he talks about BHO’s citizenship issue and that he’s not eligible to be POTUS. Well, since we are from Arkansas and thought Huckabee would be just jumping over backwards to get my husband on his Fox News Channel show, he sent both Huckabee and Huckabee’s contact person he was working with a free copy of his book for review. We waited and waited and waited and didn’t hear any word, so my husband e-mailed his contact and he said that Huckabee won’t have you on his show because, you guessed it, your book mentions the elligibility issue with BHO.

My husband also tried to send Glenn Beck a book. He e-mailed Glenn’s assistant, Pat, and asked if he could send him a book? Again, he never heard back from Pat and my husband kept sending him e-mails (4 in all) and finally this Pat e-mailed my husband back with a reply. He was rude and condescending….he said that Glenn gets hundreds of requests like this on a weekly basis and no matter if you send 100 e-mails we still won’t read your book. We thought that because his book is about Conservatives that surely they’d be wanting to have my husband on the show…..but noooooo!

Lady, I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the book that your husband wrote and that no one wanted to touch had WAY more problems with it than just the nirther shit.