
Overnight Open Thread

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks1/25/2010 11:38:07 pm PST

re: #17 JasonA

Aww, they even use ranks. how cute.

When your lame group of Nazi assholes is composed of a grand total of six limp-dicked impotent fucks, I don’t imagine it’s that hard to obtain the rank of corporal. He was probably the dude who picked up the most discarded cans, or something.

Seriously, sometimes I wonder if we let this freedom of speech thing go too far. I know the answer’s no, but these things make me feel skeevy.

The first amendment protects their speech, but yeah. Skeevy as hell. I think it won’t be long before the city/county/state/whoever rescinds this.

I foresee a section of highway being so polluted with the most disgusting garbage that even six needle-dicked, bug-fucking nazis working full time can’t keep it clean. It will become an unmanageable mess for the gov’t dept. responsible for highways.