
Mitt Romney's Dad in 1967: 'The GOP's Future Depends on Repudiating the John Birch Society'

Randall Gross2/20/2010 1:39:36 pm PST

Leftover from last thread: think the Birchers are bad? Check this out, and please note this is just one website and is at this point unconfirmed

The newly-formed registered student organization at Michigan State University, the Sons of Liberty, cancelled [sic] its first public event. Nick Griffin, a democratically-elected member of the European Parliament and chairman of the British National Party, was scheduled to speak at MSU on February 18 regarding the fraud of man-made global warming. The event was cancelled because left-wing agitators caused other organizations to cancel their own events that featured Griffin, and it could not be justified for Griffin to fly to the U.S. to only speak at MSU and at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.

After a synopsis of Griffin’s schedule was released to the media, left-wing agitators relentlessly threatened with violence and death the organizers of the events. This caused Taylor Somers, the leader of Kenyon College’s conservative Robert A. Taft Society, to cancel his club’s event out of concern for safety of his fellow students. It was confirmed that Griffin would not come to the U.S. after leftists successfully caused three hotels to rescind their offers to allow the biyearly American Renaissance conference from being hosted at their properties.