
Photo of the Week

darthstar4/11/2010 7:08:38 pm PDT

Four hour rain delay for the Giants game today…that makes for a long day for my wife, whose birthday it is. So I’ve got three choices for her for dinner:
1. Turkey/pork/beef meatloaf (with hard boiled eggs in the middle - she likes those and it gives the meatloaf a cool look when you slice it)…it’s in the oven…can wait a day or to to get eaten if necessary
2. Eggplant parmesan - got the eggplant, parmesan, etc.
3. Rosemary marinated lamb loins - they grill quickly, and I can roast baby red potatoes, make a salad, and have the fage, cucumber, etc. to make a sauce for the side.
Now I just wish she’d come home and leave her employees to finish the game…small crowd, cold weather…can’t be too busy.

No, I didn’t bake her a cake…should have, as I was home all day, but I’ll make her a pie in a couple of days to make up for it.