
Overnight Open Thread

simoom4/28/2010 3:32:29 am PDT

I saw you all discussed this CNN article yesterday, but I only just started getting sent links to it today so excuse my venting :P.

Economists: The stimulus didn’t help

The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government’s stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.

After a cursory glance at the article, both the title and the opening summation appear to be extremely misleading. Basically it seems they surveyed 68 National Association for Business Economics members about the job situation at their place of employment, so not about how the Stimulus impacted the whole economy, or even the job situation in general, but whether or not their company hired (So essentially, 50 of the 68 private-sector companies surveyed, in the opinion of the companies NABE economist, didn’t hire more employees as a result of the Stimulus).

NABE conducted the study by polling 68 of its members who work in economic roles at private-sector firms. About 73% of those surveyed said employment at their company is neither higher nor lower as a result of the $787 billion Recovery Act, which the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers says is on track to create or save 3.5 million jobs by the end of the year.

And even when looking at what was actually polled, considering the minuscule size of the Stimulus in relation to the size of the economy, I’m actually surprised ~18 of the 50 were impacted.

Ah well, thanks for humoring my late night rant — I’m off to get a couple more hours of sleep.