
Barton's Apology to BP: Not a Gaffe

Cato the Elder6/23/2010 1:27:35 pm PDT

Update on me mum:

They say the worst bacteria of all live in the human mouth.

So, back on Saturday, my mom and dad were going to a church meeting and she tripped on an uneven spot in Baltimore’s ancient concrete sidewalks and did a literal face-plant.

She looks like someone took a hammer to her. And she was picking gravel out of her teeth on the way to the ER.

So, two days go by and she wakes up with a swollen right wrist, tingling, numbness, and major pain.

Turns out, if you injure your mouth even to the extent of a minor gum wound, the bugs go straight from there to whatever part of your body is weakest and settle in for a feast.

They had to induce a nerve-block at her shoulder to stop the pain.

But now she’s feeling better.

That’s it in a nutshell.

So I’ve been taking a break from commenting and feeding my newfound “Lost” addiction while waiting for hourly updates from my dad the doctor.