
Breitbart Says: I Didn't Edit the Tape, Shirley Sherrod is Still a Racist and So Is the NAACP

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/20/2010 3:02:23 pm PDT

re: #18 Kefirah

“racism is in the eye of the beholder?”

is he really trying to argue that racism is subjective? maybe in his deluded dreams, but i am sure that factually i can say that kkk lynchings, segregated lunch counters, and gas chambers are all objectively racist.

so a man who likely fights tooth and nail against “moral relativism” [i strongly dislike moral relativism, personally] will say that racism is relative?

ow. doublespeak, newspeak. ow.

I think we need to teach the Lizardim who are not Tribe members a new word for Breitbart.

Breitbart is a Mamzer.

Now this word gets politely translated as bastard. It does not mean bastard. If you mom and dad were unmarried at the time they had you, you are not a mazer.

A mamzer is the product of a forbidden union - one that comes from adultery or incest.

I am fully willing to believe that scum like Breitbart is what you get when brothers and sisters bang each other for several generations.