
Boycott of Arizona Has Cost the State More Than $140M

Rightwingconspirator11/19/2010 12:17:00 pm PST

As far as I can tell, any state that aggressively enforces the Federal law will catch just as much trouble. Here is why I think so, among other reasons.

Special Order 40 is a policy established in Los Angeles in 1979. Special Order 40 prohibits police officers from “initiat(ing) police action with the objective of discovering the alien status of a person.” This prevents officers from inquiring about the immigration status of an individual and from contacting federal immigration officials about an individual’s immigration status. In May, 2006, Judicial Watch filed a taxpayer lawsuit in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles asking the court to prohibit the LAPD from expending taxpayer funds to enforce and maintain Special Order 40, which violates both federal immigration laws and California law while placing American citizens at risk. After Judicial Watch filed the taxpayer lawsuit, ACLU lawyers intervened for illegal aliens to help defend the Special Order 40 sanctuary policy.