
Overnight Wingnut Thread

HoosierHoops3/23/2011 9:10:15 pm PDT

re: #17 austin_blue

What amazes me is that the genetic creators of our foreign-born, half-breed commie secret Muslim president were so convinced that they had created the Kwisatz Haderach that they had the foresight to publish the birth announcement in both the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin!

Image: obama-1961-birth-announcement-from-honolulu-advert iser0000.gif

Image: obama-1961-birth-announcement-from-honolulu-advert iser0000.gif

The plot is 50 years old! It is coming to fruition! We are all going to die!

The first blogger to forward this was Tom Mcguire at justoneminute.. i really pissed him off when I called him on this…For some reason..I was never allowed to post there again.. No biggie….I moved on to here….
Do you understand the irony of this Stalkers? Just move the fuck on and get over it…
( They won’t get it )